For Anyone Looking To Scale Their Agency Profits


While having more meaningful client relationships, killing the sales hamster wheel and avoiding personal burnout

What Is The G.U.I.D.E Framework?

‘G.U.I.D.E’ is the exact blueprint we have used inside our agency to walk up by 4-5x our existing customer retainer values while maximizing every single new sales opportunity that comes through our pipeline without offering crazy guarantees, working with energy vampires or giving up all of our personal freedom.

As we are able to work with better, higher quality customers - client retention becomes a breeze as our customer profile is more sophisticated to begin with and has the necessary resources to invest in their business. All we have to do is focus on getting them good results - which we do.

As a result of this ‘guided’ approach we are no longer in the firefighting game and can delegate work to our team while enjoying epic profit margins and a great lifestyle away from our business.

With this new approach to the agency model less becomes more and inside this ultimate agency fast track bundle we’ll show you exactly how this approach works.



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G.U.I.D.E Is A Plug-n-Play Fast Track

To Agency Profits And Greater Happiness

Jason was just like you - an agency owner sick and tired of the constant grind of difficult agency customers paying small retainers but expecting the world.

Every day he thought about if he should kill his agency business and throw in the towel.

As a father of 4 the burnout was real and he felt frustrated to have seemingly created a prison of his own doing… this was worse than a job he thought to himself, but something told him to keep going…

Then one day he met Grant in Puerto Rico and after a few conversations it was clear to Jason that Grant knew a thing or two about selling services to business customers.

Grant showed Jason his G.U.I.D.E framework for scaling profits and stopping burnout in its tracks.

Truly excited at the potential this new approach and fresh thinking could have Jason not only decided to take the plunge and implement G.U.I.D.E inside his agency business but he also discussed with Grant the idea of partnering up and him becoming the CEO of the agency…

Grant agreed and Jason left Puerto Rico with both a new business partner and a new approach!

The impact was immediate and profound.

Within 1 month Jason & Grant closed a $20,000 per month client on their first ever pitch together…

A few weeks later a $30,000 per month customer…

Then an $11,500 per month customer…

And so on!

Fast forward to today and HACKTICS is a 7 figure agency, both Jason and Grant find running their agency not just profitable but fulfilling as well!

And you now have the opportunity to see the EXACT approach they used to achieve this dramatic turnaround and increase in profits for just $37.

Here’s How It Works:



❌ Limiting beliefs

❌ Undercharging your services and leaving money on the table

❌ Saying yes to anyone and ending up with low value time sucking customers

❌ Burnout from being stuck in the hamster wheel of your own creation


✅ Fewer, more sophisticated customers

✅ A high close rate as more and more prospects say yes

✅ An overhauled sales process that differentiates you from 99% of your competition

✅ Your personal freedom (and sanity!) back!

Inside the Ultimate Agency Fast Track you’ll see everything we did to get Jason unstuck, kill burnout, walk up the value of the existing book of business, take the agency close rate to 90% of new pitches and operate with 70%+ margins.

Here are a few of our clients and their stories of what they’ve been able to accomplish leveraging our frameworks and teachings:



Ultimate Agency Fast Track Bundle

See exactly how we have been able to 5x our prices and enjoy in excess of 70-80% profit margins in our Agency while having fewer, easier to manage customers that respect boundaries, pay on time and have the resources to work with you long beyond your contract minimums.


  • How To Immediately 5x Your Pricing And STOP Leaving So Much Money On The Table In Every Single Sales Pitch

  • The Unparalleled Power Of The G.U.I.D.E Framework For Getting Agency Owners Unstuck And Unlocking Insane Profit Growth

  • The Stupid Simple Smart Way To Approach Strategic Pricing That Is Backed By Facts And Hindered By Emotion

  • How To Sell To The Right Customer In The First Place So You Don’t Keeping Ending Up In A Dead End Client Relationship That Drains Your Energy And Freedom

  • The Simple Slide Deck We Use To INSTANTLY Differentiate Us From 99% Of Our Competition And Immediately Stand Out In The Prospects Mind

  • How We Are Able To Have A Consistent Win Rate In Excess Of 90% On All New Customer Pitches By Following Our Profitable Pitching Approach (Note: This Is Completely Proprietary And NOT Sold Anywhere Else)

  • How Our Unique Sales Process Makes Success Inevitable And Leaves NOTHING To Chance

  • How To Generate Sales WITHOUT Being Sleazy Or Feeling Like You Are Selling Your Soul (Hint: The Used Car Salesman, Cold Call Scripts & ‘Straight Line’ High Pressure Tactics Are A Trap)

  • Smashing Limiting Beliefs That Are Currently An Anchor Around Your Ankles And Are Holding Your Agency Back

  • How To Create A ‘Confidence Flywheel’ Where Successful Pitching And Customer Results Generate More And More Sales Through MOMENTUM

  • The Art Of Less Is More And Why The Idea That You Need More Customers To Make More Money Is A HUGE LIE

  • Why The Traditional Agency Model Is Broken BUT Still Has Enormous Inherent POWER If You Know How To Unlock It Using The G.U.I.D.E Framework

  • How Thinking Every Sale Is A Win Is A Fast Track To Misery And Burnout

  • What The Symptoms Are Of The Agency Death Spiral And How To IMMEDIATELY Break Free From Its Grasp Before You Throw In The Towel

  • How To STOP Your Agency Being Nothing More Than A High Paying Job And Instead Start Reaping The Benefits Of Being An OWNER

  • The Anti-Savior Approach That Instantly Eliminates Clients Seeing You As A Silver Bullet To Save Their Business

  • The Rapid Internal Audit Every Agency Owner MUST Do To Understand How To Unlock Their Path To Freedom

  • The Lowest Hanging Fruit When It Comes To Immediately Moving The Needle On Your Business Revenue (Hint: You Already Have It At Your Immediate Disposal Right NOW)

  • Why Solopreneurship Is Attractive Until You Hit The Scale Wall And What You MUST Do To Continue Growing And Find Your Freedom

  • The ONE Problem You Probably Don’t Even Realize You Have And How To Stop It Dead In Its Tracks Going Forward

  • The Customer Type You Should NEVER Sell To As It Will Only End In Tears (Yours!)

  • The Little Known First Meeting Fast Track Approach We Use To Crush Our Competition And Cement Ourselves As Thought Leaders

  • The Reason Why We NEVER Email Our Sales Proposals And Why You MUST Stop This Immediately

  • The Strategic Psychological Trigger We Use To Inject Urgency Into Proposal Decisions And Stop The Neverending Back And Forth Questions Via Email Or Client Ghostings

  • Why Projecting Onto Your Customer Is HURTING You More Than You Could Ever Imagine

  • The Business Partner Decision That Could Change The Trajectory Of Your Business And Life

  • The Unfair Arbitrage Advantage We Use To Generate INSANE Profit Margins Without Sacrificing Quality

  • The Best Way To BUY Back Your Time And Unlock Freedom Once Again

  • And More!


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The ONLY Framework You’ll Ever Need to Close More Business, Maximize Your Profits & Avoid Burnout In Your Agency Business

The contents of this fast track bundle contain lessons learned from a combined 25 years of entrepreneurship so you avoid the pitfalls and discover the most straight line system to profits and personal freedom inside your agency business.

Here’s Everything You’re Getting For Only $37 Today

2hr+ Of Video Content On How To:

✔ Fast track your agency profit potential

✔ Differentiate yourself from 99% of the competition

✔ Gain clarity on a plan to where you want to go

✔ Leverage a blueprint to escape the agency death spiral

FREE BONUS GIFT - A resource breakdown of all the tools we use to grow our agency

✔ Video lesson to fast track profit

✔ Know your numbers to stop undercharging

✔ Clear and proven path

✔ Profitable Pitching Resource

✔ Customizable TEMPLATE

✔ Perfect for Offshore team building

✔ Weekly bonus tips

✔ Collaboration between agency owners

✔ Access to Q&A with HACKTICS Team

Click Here To Get Instant Access

Watch the bundled content directly on your computer, phone or tablet and start implementing the G.U.I.D.E framework right away.

Featured Student Success Stories


Chris W.

“Mindset makeover. I am able to think of selling in a different way which eliminates fear. I can look at it as strictly adding value and just delivering what actually matters. Using skills as a service that helps businesses grow. Looking at it this way brings immediate confidence. Whereas before everything felt sneaky.This…really does feel like a missing piece of the marketing puzzle. Selling without Selling.I feel I have learned a valuable skill set that compliments marketing skills. Even though this may be geared towards agencies, I don’t feel like I need a big team to get started anymore.The fear was how to get a client? What do I say? And what do I do when I get a client? I can honestly say those fears don’t exist anymore because of you guys. It’s all about processes and workflow now."


Lindsay W.

"Within my first month of this program, Grant and Jason helped me establish my core values and vision for what I want my agency to do for me and my family, and helped me put systems in place to pivot.They gave me a blueprint for hiring expert team members to help me offload my workload, and improved my sales process which has increased my close rate.I went from feeling close to burnout and trapped by my business, to feeling re-energized and having more time back!”


Scott D.

"Before working with Jason & Grant I can honestly say I was underselling my services and leaving easy money on the table. Now I am charging more all while delivering the same service as I was before. I'd highly recommend the G.U.I.D.E. process and all of Jason & Grant's training resources. Worth every penny as I'm seeing an immediate ROI to recoup my investment."


Jason W.

“Before Grant, I was confident in selling our agency’s offering but I was drastically undercharging our services. So, I listened to Grant, used his G.U.I.D.E methodology and on the FIRST sales call I walked up our pricing by 5X and even closed the client on the call. I cannot recommend this enough!”

Got Questions?

So what exactly am I getting?

You are getting access to our Ultimate Agency Fast Track Bundle that contains over 2 hours of video content detailing exactly how to escape the agency death spiral, learn to price your services correctly, grow your profits to 70-80% margins and scale your business without sacrificing your personal freedom.

Do you offer ways to get more help?

Yes, We offer more support options inside the program and you are welcome to email us any questions you have after joining the Ultimate Agency Fast Track.

Who is this for?

This is for existing agency owners who want to grow their business the smart way rather than the hard way, enjoy 70-80% profit margins and win more business more consistently, all without sacrificing their personal freedom or sanity. It’s for people who want to enjoy their agency business again rather than feeling like they are stuck in a never ending cycle of clients and stress. 

What is Ultimate Agency Fast Track?

Ultimate Agency Fast Track is a brand new recorded video training for Agency Owners that want to transform their agency business and need a helping hand in formulating a fast track plan to winning, growing their profits and their business.

How is this different than all the other agency programs out there?

We are Agency Owners ourselves to this day and not just some wannabe gurus. Everything we teach we have implemented in our personal business and seen the success it brings. There is no theory, only real life practical experience that we KNOW works.

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes, we have a 72 hour money back satisfaction guarantee.

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We stand by the quality of our educational programs. So if you're unsatisfied for any reason we'll give you a 100% refund on your purchase.

We do not provide any assurances or guarantees regarding your success or income generation using our materials, ideas, tools, or techniques. However, we stand by the quality of our training programs, offering a complete satisfaction guarantee within 5 days of purchase. If you're not satisfied for any reason with our training's quality, you are entitled to a full refund. It's important to understand that our products and services are solely for educational and informational purposes. Nothing presented on this website, or through any of our materials or courses, should be interpreted as a commitment to certain results or future financial gains. Additionally, we do not provide legal, medical, tax, or other professional advice. Any financial figures mentioned here, or on any of our sites, are intended to demonstrate potential concepts and should not be seen as expectations of average earnings, exact earnings, or a forecast for actual or future performance. We urge you to exercise caution and consult with a professional advisor, such as an accountant, lawyer, or specialist, before making decisions related to lifestyle changes, your business, or finances. You bear sole responsibility for your actions and their outcomes in life, and by registering for our materials, you acknowledge that you will not hold us responsible for your decisions, actions, or results at any point, under any circumstances.

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